Thursday, February 4, 2016

To The New Year!

I know it's pretty late on writing about the New Year and all, but I've been in good spirit since 2016 has begun. It's hard to put into words how grateful I've been since... probably when I traveled abroad. Maybe even earlier when I started working for Peet's Coffee in Tustin? From meeting new people to exploring new places, I used to never feel like I was in the right place until I told myself to go for whatever my gut felt like. I used to always think I had to please everyone around me, my family, friends and ex-boyfriend. Everything feels more clear now. And it's been a mixture of being in the right track career-wise and having a great support system.

This year is about being focused and balancing everything. Here's a list of things for 2016:

  • To start off my photography business that I've been holding off for way too long. I'm actually glad that I didn't do this a year ago. I remember beginning to brainstorm the logo and website about a year ago, but as much as I wanted to throw something out there, I'm not as ready as I am right now. (Though I still don't feel "ready") And that has to do with refining my style, understanding what kind of photographer I am, understanding what I want to produce.
  • Camera equipment: A second camera body for shooting (not sure how much more efficient this will make me, but I assume it'd help me a heaps load not having to switch in and out of lens during a wedding), a portable camera for when I travel, new flash gear/trigger/LED light, Pelican luggage
  • Stylized shoots -- cherry blossoms, sand dunes, poppy fields, empty studio
  • Travel, travel, travel. -- San Francisco (It looks like I'll be there in 4 different occasions. Work, a trip on it's own, stopping by during our coastal trip, & *crossing fingers* Outside Lands), Anniversary California Coastal Trip, Havasupai, Yosemite, Zion, Joshua Tree, Tokyo
  • Live a healthier life -- Sunday's are meant to not work. To spend time with family, to meal prep, and not work. To start working out again. Drink lots of water.
  • Take private swimming lessons.

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